Special air con­di­tio­ning systems


in the field of air con­di­tio­ning. In hospitals, clean rooms and labo­ra­to­ries, we ensure defined climatic con­di­ti­ons with the highest precision. Our fle­xi­bi­li­ty in par­ti­cu­lar enables the planning and pro­duc­tion of systems that are indi­vi­du­al­ly tailored to the needs of our customers. Our container and pallet solutions are pre­fa­bri­ca­ted in our factory in Graz and can be put into operation quickly and effi­ci­ent­ly at the client’s facility.

Test bench air con­di­tio­ning systems in container design

LKH Stolzalpe, building 1 operating theater wing
Ven­ti­la­ti­on and air con­di­tio­ning systems

LKH Graz, pediatric surgery
Ven­ti­la­ti­on and air con­di­tio­ning systems

Test bench air con­di­tio­ning systems in container design

Test bench air con­di­tio­ning systems in container design

Test bench air con­di­tio­ning systems in container design

Test bench air con­di­tio­ning systems in container design

LKH Graz, blood bank
Ven­ti­la­ti­on and air con­di­tio­ning systems

LKH Leoben, func­tion­al rooms and operating theaters
Ven­ti­la­ti­on and air con­di­tio­ning systems

Test bench air con­di­tio­ning systems in container design
